In conjunction with the use of the article as you think, use your smartphoneA solution for accepting credit card payments.You can easily process credit card payments and cash receipt issuance by connecting your smartphone and credit card payment terminal (security authentication IC payment terminal) using Bluetooth (wireless).* characteristic1. IC card processing available.2. Credit card payment and cancellation3. Issuance and cancellation of cash receipts4. Transaction history inquiry5. Can be interlocked with external APP* How to register1. Can only be used by credit card merchants or businesses that can be registered as merchants2. Available after VAN registration3. Available VAN company: KSNET4. Registration inquiries: 02-6956-9032 or
[email protected] Available in Android OS 6.0 (Lollipop) or higher.- It is an IC card payment solution for smartphones provided by Think Street.- It is necessary to sign up for service through Security customer support or an agency before use. (By agreement with credit card company)- For KSNET drivers, services such as IC credit cards, prepaid cards, Samsung Pay, LG Pay, and cash receipts are provided.-For KSNET drivers, payment can be linked with the app you are using. (Please inquire about development separately.)- You can provide the payment service you want to use for KSNET articles. (Please inquire about development separately.)- The currently supported reader is the MSM2000B-KSN BLE reader.Security Customer CenterMSM-2000BLE payment device purchase inquiry: 02-6956-9032VAN company opening inquiry: 02-6956-9032AS inquiry: 02-6736-6060For all service related inquiries, please contact
[email protected].